5 Star Kicker Commit Number 14

Justin Yoon from Mass. a 5 Star kicker commits after visiting Notre Dame over the weekend. Recently offered, this was his 2nd. visit to campus in the last few weeks.
As of right now he’s the gem of this Class. How often do you get an almost automatic 3 with the ability to endzone the ball on kick offs? Really a great pickup for this 2015 Class.
The importance of this pickup is underscored by Kyle Brindza finishing his career this season. Yoon is College ready right now.
I would guess that ND has 20-22 total available but the closer we get to that number means peril for those eligible for a fifth year. Big recruiting week and Yoon the first to pull the trigger. If an offered recruit really wants ND, he better pull the trigger real soon.
Here is Justin Yoon’s highlight reel: